Use of good and well (2)

Ahora veremos los otros casos de los usos de estas dos expresiones.

Health and Wellbeing. Salud y bienestar.
Health and Wellbeing. Salud y bienestar.ABC Color


However, when you’re talking about health, well can be used as an adjective.

Sin embargo, cuando se habla de salud, bien puede usarse como adjetivo.

Exceptions to the Well/Good Rule

Excepciones a la regla bueno/bien

Health and Wellbeing. Salud y bienestar.

When we refer to a person’s health or wellbeing, well is customarily used as an adjective.

Cuando nos referimos a la salud o el bienestar de una persona, se suele utilizar bien como adjetivo.

She asked about David’s illness, and I told her he is good now. Incorrect.

Me preguntó sobre la enfermedad de David y le dije que ahora está bien.

She asked about David’s illness,

and I told her he is well now. Correct.

Me preguntó sobre la enfermedad de David y le dije que ahora está bien.

When you tell someone “Be good!” you are talking about the behavior of that person.

Cuando le dices a alguien «¡Pórtate bien!» estás hablando del comportamiento de esa persona.

However, to say, “Be well!” is to express a wish for their good health.

Sin embargo, decir: «¡Que estés bien!» es expresar un deseo por su buena salud.

Linking verbs. Verbos conectores.

Linking verbs can be used with good, an adjective, rather than well, an adverb, because they describe a state rather than an action.

Los verbos de enlace se pueden usar con good, un adjetivo, en lugar de well, un adverbio, porque describen un estado en lugar de una acción.

Common linking verbs are sense verbs such as feel, seem, look, appear, smell, taste, and sound.

Los verbos de enlace comunes son verbos de sentido como sentir, parecer, mirar, aparecer, oler, gustar y sonar.

That slice of chocolate cake looks so well. Incorrect.

Esa rebanada de pastel de chocolate se ve muy bien.

That slice of chocolate cake looks so good. Correct.

Esa rebanada de pastel de chocolate se ve muy bien.


I Complete with good or well. Completa con good o well.

1. I play handball but I’m not very ________________.

2. My interview result was very ________________ .

3. We did very ________________ in our exams.

4. The weather was very ________________ while she was on holiday.

5. You didn’t sleep very ________________ last night.

6. How are you? Are you doing ________________?

7. George speaks German very ________________.

8. George’s German is very ________________.

9. Our new business is going very ________________ at the moment.

10. I like your jacket. It looks ________________ on you.

11. I’ve played with him a few times. He plays very ________________.

12. Today, at last, life is ________________.

II Translate the above sentences. Traduce las oraciones anteriores.

Answer I: 1. good. 2. good. 3. well. 4. good. 5. well. 6. well. 7. well. 8. good. 9. well . 10. good . 11. well. 12. good.


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