Video: intrigante aparición de bacterias hiperresistentes

ANTÁRTIDA. Científicos de la Universidad de Chile descubrieron una veintena de especies desconocidas de bacterias hiperresistentes a los antibióticos, que pueden traspasar sus características a otros microorganismos, lo que generaría un riesgo para la salud global.

Handout photo released by the Universidad de Chile of Chilean scientists working in Antarctica, on January 13, 2019. - A group of Chilean scientists discovered in Antarctica some twenty new species of bacteria which are hiper resistant to antibiotics and other antimicrobial substances, which could represent a danger for human health. (Photo by Cristian FUENTES VALENCIA / Universidad de Chile / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE-MANDATORY CREDIT - AFP PHOTO / UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE / CRISTIAN FUENTES VALENCIA - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Handout photo released by the Universidad de Chile of Chilean scientists working in Antarctica, on January 13, 2019. - A group of Chilean scientists discovered in Antarctica some twenty new species of bacteria which are hiper resistant to antibiotics and other antimicrobial substances, which could represent a danger for human health. (Photo by Cristian FUENTES VALENCIA / Universidad de Chile / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE-MANDATORY CREDIT - AFP PHOTO / UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE / CRISTIAN FUENTES VALENCIA - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS180316+0000 CRISTIAN FUENTES VALENCIA
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